Thursday, March 11, 2010

APOSTROPHE MONSTERS get very Possessive!

Here's a cartoon sketch for English Users young and old.

It provides further use of apostrophe S for Possessive Case. It is from the new version of award-winning American children's television show THE ELECTRIC COMPANY.

And as the show's sketch's character's dialogue demonstrates, you may use the apostrophe S repeatedly when there is repeated possession.

THE ELECTRIC COMPANY is a classic of American Pop Culture. Its original show ran back in the 1970s and made a stars out of many up and coming talents. One of the was a young comedian with a PhD in Education by name of Bill Cosby.

PLS English Users salutes Sesame Workshop & PBS - producers of the show - for officially uploading their content to an Official YouTube Channel, enabling other sites to publish and make their content known in a legal manner.

1 comment:

  1. I thought Cosby only had an honorary doctorate (not "earned") from USC...when he spoke at commencement many years ago.
