Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Business English Special - Part II

Once again, we'd like to share with you Business related video lessons from our partners at English Attack! Both of the ones we are sharing today are from TED talks.

To view the activities, you will need PREMIUM access to English Attack! For being part of our community, we grant you a 1 week free trial, no purchase necessary.  To validate it, simply go to the English Attack! Video Booster of the Day BOX (located on this page, on the right column) and sign up at English Attack! at no cost by clicking on the "More Videos" tabThen proceed to the business Video Boosters recommended on this post.

Business Video Booster 1: The Next Steve Jobs?
Like most kids his age, Thomas Suarez loves to play video games. After all, he's only 12. However, unlike most children his age, he taught himself how to create those games. But not only is this young man a brilliant apps developer. He is also a great presenter. You will not want to miss the opportunity to practice your English and find out how this young genious is helping other kids become game developers.

After doing the activity you will be able to actively use and explain the following concepts in English:
  • Apps
  • Whac-a-Mole
  • suite
  • app club
  • pilot program

Business Video Booster 2: Miss Zero Bullet Points
And when it comes to presentations, you will not want to miss the brilliant advice of one the leading experts on the subject, Melissa Marshall. In this TED talk, she brings a message to all scientists from the rest of us non-scientists. She tells them, "we're fascinated by what you're doing... (but please) tell us about it -- in a way we can understand."  In just 4 minutes, she shares powerful tips on presenting complex scientific ideas to a general audience in easy tips.

But as many in business know, sometimes even if we are not scientists, we also present information is a way that is unnecessarily complicated.

After doing the activity you will be able to actively use and explain the following concepts in English:                   
  • wonderland
  • bullet points
  • overwhelmed
  • nerdy
If you missed the last Business English Special, check it out right here.

BUT the real great thing about this material is that now, PLS has new special and very affordable courses that combine English Attack! activities with dynamic PLS teacher-led workshop activities. To find out more, contact us at

Thanks once again for stopping by and we'd like to you a very Happy, Safe and Successful New Year!